Department of Educational Sciences and Social Work
University of Patras

Εργαστήριο Εκπαιδευτικής Πολιτικής, Οικονομίας και Διά Βίου Μάθησης.

Laboratory of Educational Policy, Economy and Lifelong Learning

Objectives of the Laboratory

The Laboratory for Educational Policy, Economics and Lifelong Learning serves educational, training and research needs in the fields of

  • Greek, European and international educational policy and governance,

  • economic and social research of phenomena and problems,

  • the development of entrepreneurship and innovation,

  • the design, implementation and evaluation of formal, non-formal and informal education programs,

  • exploring and strengthening the relationship between lifelong learning, social partners and institutional bodies representing entrepreneurship,

  • analysing and consolidating lifelong learning,

  • analysing lifelong learning as a pillar of social, economic and cultural development,

  • evaluation and accreditation,

  • the development of extroversion and international relations, particularly in Europe and the wider region in which the country is located.

The Laboratory aims to analyse and develop methodological and educational tools and materials in its fields of action.

The Laboratory

Laboratory of Educational Policy, Economy and Lifelong Learning.

The Network

Intra-University Network Higher Education Policies.


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